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      Ensure Your Organisation Is Protected From The Rise In Cybercrime

      Every 49 seconds a UK business falls victim to a cyber attack. With the rise in cybercrime, now more than ever it’s crucial to make sure you understand cyber threats and how to mitigate them.

      Increase in Remote Working

      Due to the surge in remote working, and more recent moves to hybrid working that many organisations are adopting, there has been a rise in cybercrime. The tactics employed are often simple, but the damage  caused to an unprepared business can be disastrous. It’s estimated that 60% of SMEs that are hit with a cyber attack, such as ransomware, go out of business within 6 months.

      Protecting You From The Rise In Cybercrime

      Akita’s team of cyber security experts are able to support your organisation in a variety of ways. We can offer training and advice to your users, such as helping prepare for Cyber Essentials certification. We install the latest, industry-leading hardware and software solutions such as firewalls and anti-ransomware software.

      Our Cybersecurity Guide

      So, as this subject is so critical in today’s threat landscape, we’ve published a white paper­­:
      rise in cybercrime

      In this, we detail the types of risk that organisations can expect to encounter. There are various ways to combat them but perhaps the most effective weapon is user education. 90% of data breaches are due to human error. Just making your users aware of risks can go some way in ensuring the ongoing security of your organisation.

      Find out more about our cyber security services:

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