cloud backup services


      Safeguard Your Organisation’s Data with Akita’s Managed Backup Service

      Data backup is not just a necessity; it’s a critical safeguard for your organisation’s continuity and security.

      While implementing robust backup solutions can be both costly and complex, the consequences of inadequate data protection can be catastrophic. Akita’s enterprise-grade cloud backup service offers a seamless and secure solution, designed to eliminate the complexities and risks associated with data protection.

      Our service ensures your data is consistently protected through automated backups, removing the need for manual intervention. With 24/7 monitoring, our dedicated team provides constant oversight, ensuring peace of mind. Additionally, your data is stored in two geographically separate locations, guaranteeing maximum security and compliance.

      Trust Akita to protect your organisation’s most valuable asset—its data.

      Contact us to learn more about our business cloud backup solutions: 

      Request A Cloud Backup Quote

      Your data is too precious to risk losing. Get in touch to discuss cloud backup services:
      the risk of not backing up data

      BUsiness Cloud Backup Services London & UK


      A survey by Beaming found that around 17% of UK companies currently have no data backup solution in place.

      Of companies that are backing up their data, the majority do so to a system within their office. This means that in a case of a natural disaster, a fire or even simple water damage, there’s a high risk of all business data being destroyed.

      But the biggest threat to a company’s data is not just from disaster but cyber-attack.

      Ransomware attacks can wipe PCs in less than 20 seconds, and clear entire company systems in minutes. This can also mean your backup is infected if they are in-house.

      According to Inc, 60% of companies that face a significant cyber-attack never recover. In comparison, organisations using our cloud backup services that are impacted by a cyber attack are often up and running again in hours.

      Business Cloud Services London & UK


      Akita’s expertise in cloud computing makes us the ideal partner for providing an offsite cloud backup service.

      Firstly, we conduct cloud backup consultancy, starting by assessing the amount of data you have. We then work with you to predict your data growth for the coming year.

      Afterwards, we agree on a storage amount with you which can be increased or decreased as you require. And, when you’re close to your data limit, we’ll let you know.

      Once the systems and folders are determined, we set daily backups to run automatically on our cloud servers. Akita operates a standard 14-day data retention policy.

      This means, if necessary, a company can return to an older backup rather than just the most recent.

      Unlike some providers, we regularly test that backups are complete and functional. This means that you don’t have the risk of any nasty surprises if you suddenly need to retrieve your data.

      Another advantage of backing up your data to our cloud is that we also perform data backup retrieval down to the file level. So if you find that an important individual document or file has been deleted, we can recover it and get it back in your hands quickly.

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      Business cloud backup services London UK

      24/7 SECURITY

      Data and network security are at the heart of our offsite cloud backup service. All data is encrypted the moment it leaves the client site.

      Our cloud computing services and offsite backup solutions are delivered through multiple data centres that boast 24/7/365 onsite monitoring and security. This includes state-of-the-art fire detection and suppression systems, and seismic safeguards that can withstand a 7.5 magnitude earthquake. Our data centres are also protected from power outages, thanks to backup diesel generators.

      Business Cloud Backup services London & UK

      WHY USE Akita’s CLOUD BACKUP Solutions?

      Akita offers a robust and cost-effective offsite cloud backup solution.

      Cost-Effective And Scalable Solution

      Change the amount of data you need backing up as you need to.

      A Set-And-Forget Solution

      Backups are automated and tested regularly - meaning you don’t have to worry.

      Convenient For Backing Up

      Convenient for backing up data on desktops, laptops and servers – no more taking tapes offsite!

      Business Continuity

      Our backups can become an effective part of your disaster recovery plan.

      Data Security

      Data is protected to ISO standards and held in the UK to comply with GDPR.

      Cloud Backup FAQ

      How Does Cloud Backup Work?

      At Akita, we configure our cloud backup service to run automatically daily at a time most convenient to your organisation. A stable internet connection to transfer your data to one of our advanced data centre presences is our only requirement. As part of the transfer process, your data is encrypted to ensure its security in transit. Our expert team of IT infrastructure engineers will monitor your backup to ensure it has completed successfully each day.

      Which Applications And Workloads Can We Backup To The Cloud?

      Our cloud backups support all types of data, including documents, photos, videos, databases, file storage systems, and email services, as well as applications.

      We also offer an image-level backup service that takes a complete snapshot of setups including operating systems.

      View More About Data Replication:

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      How Can We Get Access To Data Backups?

      Akita can provide you with access to backed-up data on request. Data can be retrieved as individual files or folders, or an entire backup restore.

      What Will Happen If We Exceed Our Predicted Data Storage Limit?

      Akita proactively monitors our backup service. As you approach your pre-agreed limit, we’ll advise you ahead of time. This allows you time to decide whether you wish to reduce the amount of data being backed up or to purchase additional storage.

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      Business Cloud Services London & UK 

      Cloud Experts For Business

      Established in 1996, Akita is a leading provider of business IT support, managed services and business applications.

      We’ve been a leading provider of cloud services since 2009, helping organisations with cloud migrations, virtualizations and wider solutions that deliver more flexible working for organisations across the South East.

      As well as our own private cloud, our dedicated infrastructure team manage Azure, Google and AWS services for our customers. So if you’re looking for an experienced partner for cloud services, get in touch:

      cloud backup services
      Cloud Backup Services London & UK

      Get In Touch

      To discuss an offsite cloud backup for your organisation please get in touch.