benefits of it infrastructure standardisation

      What Are The Benefits of IT Infrastructure Standardisation?

      As technology becomes more and more embedded in our everyday lives, it’s never been more important to ensure you’re getting the most from your IT systems. How can IT infrastructure standardisation support your organisation’s growth?

      1. Hardware Cost Reductions As The Benefits of IT Infrastructure Standardisation

      One of the biggest benefits comes from sourcing standardised IT hardware from a single supplier. Acquisition costs are often lower due to the cost savings of buying in bulk.

      2. IT Infrastructure Which Grows With You

      Most companies will look to update their data centre hardware every 4 to 6 years. It is vital to plan ahead for this and standardising your IT set-up helps bring maximum levels of scalability to your IT network. Space can be configured in an optimal way and any extras you wish to add to the existing network can be done so easily.

      3. Standardisation Means Quick And Simple Deployment

      Running multiple systems simultaneously can harm performance and makes for a complicated IT environment. Standardisation avoids this by simplifying your network configuration, resulting in faster deployment and an easier to use IT network for both administrators and users.

      4. Efficient Resolution Of IT Problems

      Not all staff have the technical know-how IT experts do. This can sometimes be a problem when they are trying to communicate complex issues to the IT team or follow instructions from them. Another advantage of standardising IT is that it eliminates any confusion by ensuring everyone is working on the same platform.

      5. Better For Collaborative Decisions On IT

      For many organisations, one of the benefits of IT infrastructure standardisation is it can also help make any decisions around IT systems and procurement a more collaborative one. It helps to broaden the discussion from CEOs and IT managers to other key stakeholders who might have valid opinions to factor in. This is therefore not only good for promoting an inclusive workplace culture but can also reveal crucial insights you might otherwise miss.

      Akita is a leading partner for IT infrastructure services. To discuss how standardisation may help your organisation,  please get in touch:

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