power bi for outlook

      Microsoft Power BI Available For Office 365 And Outlook

      Power BI is available for Office 365 and Outlook, offering businesses a range of beneficial ways to start making more of their data

      What is Power BI?

      Power BI is a data visualisation tool that enables the quick and easy creation of insightful graphs and visuals. With Power BI, you can connect to a variety of data sources to create reports and dashboards that provide a better understanding of your data.

      Notably, it can be used in business to track performance and identify trends and intelligence that could easily be missed in a spreadsheet.

      Benefits of using Power BI with Office

      Most businesses use Microsoft Office 365 for day-to-day operations, so will have a range of data already running through the applications. Adding Power BI to the mix can get greater use:

      • Easier data analysis – With both Power BI and Office 365, you have all the tools you need to analyse your data quickly and easily (notably in applications like Excel). This can help you spot trends and patterns that you might not have otherwise been aware of.
      • More accurate reporting – By combining Power BI with Office 365, you can create reports that are far more accurate and reliable than those created with just Microsoft Office alone. And depending on your data source, your reports can update automatically – meaning your PowerPoint can utilise graphs based on live data.
      • Greater insight into your data – With Power BI, you can drill down into your data to get insights that you wouldn’t otherwise have. As an example, should there be questions around finances in a board report, directors could get the answers they wanted immediately rather than wait for analysis of static data.

      power bi for office

      Benefits of using Power BI with Outlook

      Power BI and Outlook combined also offer many great benefits for businesses.

      • Power BI offers data analysis of your communications, helping you understand a key area of working and how that might link to KPIs.
      • Both Power BI and Outlook have built-in collaboration features that allow team members to work together on reports and dashboards easily.
      • They both integrate with other Microsoft products. This makes it easy to get started using them whilst helping you to expand your use of them.

      All of these benefits are great for businesses looking to improve their analytics and communication and enhance overall business intelligence.

      Akita develops Power BI through our Intelligent Solutions division. For more on the possible uses of Power BI, arrange a demonstration with our Microsoft experts:

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