
      Embracing The Cloud: Business Benefits Of Cloud Migration

      With rapid changes to the ways that businesses operate, business owners and leaders are increasingly looking to align flexible working practices with a drive to optimise IT spending.

      Over the past 15 years or so, cloud computing has emerged as a transformative force in the SMB world, providing an array of benefits to operations that were once the reserve of large and enterprise organisations. Below we explore the benefits of cloud migration and how it can support ongoing growth.


      One of the leading benefits of cloud migration is the ability to scale up or down quickly. As businesses evolve and grow, their IT requirements naturally change. With Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), businesses can easily adjust their computing resources and software usage, quickly increasing requirements based on fluctuating needs (when needed, Akita has been able to increase storage capacity of its customer’s cloud servers in minutes). This scalability empowers businesses of all sizes to stay agile and adapt to demands efficiently.

      Facilitating Flexible & Collaborative Working

      The cloud’s remote accessibility has ushered in a new era of flexibility in the workplace. Gone are the days when employees had to be in their physical office to do their work. Cloud solutions enable staff members to work from anywhere with an internet connection, promoting a healthy work-life balance and enhancing employee satisfaction. Moreover, cloud-based platforms foster collaborative working environments by allowing multiple team members to simultaneously work on shared files, facilitating real-time updates and seamless cooperation.

      Streamlined Software Updates

      A significant advantage of cloud computing is the ability to streamline software updates and upgrades. Unlike traditional software, which often requires time-consuming and disruptive mass implementations, cloud-based services can automatically update and upgrade without any intervention from users. This means employees can focus on their core tasks without experiencing unnecessary downtime, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

      Enhanced Data Security

      Security is a top priority for any business. Working with a cloud provider is an excellent way to achieve robust protection against potential threats with minimum effort. Cloud providers can implement state-of-the-art security measures such as regularly updated firewalls, intrusion detection, and virus prevention to safeguard sensitive information. With data stored securely in the cloud, businesses can mitigate the risks associated with physical hardware failure and data loss. Additionally, cloud-based services often adhere to strict compliance standards (such as ISO 27001 and higher), further bolstering data protection.

      Access to Advanced Technology & Specification

      Cloud providers continually invest in the latest technologies to improve their services. This means the average business cloud setup runs on equipment way beyond the budgets of the average SMB. As such, businesses can gain access to high-capacity processing that can support the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics – all without the need for significant upfront investments.

      benefits of cloud migration

      Cost-effective Storage & Backup

      Maintaining regular data backups is critical for business continuity. Cloud computing simplifies this process significantly by automatically synchronising data, systems, and resources at regular intervals. Unlike traditional backups that require physical storage and manual effort, cloud-based backups are seamless and do not impose space, time, or financial constraints. In case of unexpected events like hardware failure or natural disasters, businesses can quickly restore their data from the cloud, minimising downtime, and potential losses.

      Environmentally Friendly

      There’s increasing demand for businesses to prove the sustainability of their operations. Cloud computing is an easy proof-point as it’s inherently more eco-friendly than traditional IT infrastructure. By using shared resources and optimising data centre operations, cloud providers can achieve higher energy efficiency and reduce the overall carbon footprint. They are also more efficient with their use of hardware (compared to multiple businesses operating multiple servers). And if they’re like Akita, they’re also better at recycling old technology when it reaches the end of life.

      Wider Benefits Of Cloud Migration: Future-Proofing Businesses

      Embracing the cloud ensures streamlined operations and grants businesses a competitive edge in a dynamic marketplace.

      With the ability to securely work from anywhere with a cloud setup, employees can be more productive and less tied to their desks. Equally, this cloud flexibility grants employers the ability to draw new talent from anywhere if it fits their business model.

      As technology continues to advance, cloud computing will undoubtedly become an invaluable solution for shaping the future of businesses worldwide. So, if you haven’t yet explored the potential of the cloud for your organisation, get in touch to explore the benefits of cloud migration for your business.

      Discover more about Akita’s cloud migration services:

      Cloud Migration Services
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